Article I Name This Corporation shall be known as the Riverside Woman’s Club, Tax ID #95-1451040. It shall be a member of the GFWC California Federation of Women’s Clubs and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, International, hereinafter referred to in these bylaws as the Club.
Article II Object The purpose of this Club shall be to promote charitable, education, public and civic affairs within the meaning of IRS 501(c)3 regulations. Further, to follow the Articles of Incorporation of the Riverside Woman’s Club and to cooperate with the District, State and National levels of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, International.
Article III Membership Active members shall enjoy all the benefits and privileges of the Club. They may hold office, vote and manage the affairs of the Club. Dues must be paid as set forth in Article IV of these bylaws.
Article IV Dues Section 1. The annual dues shall be $50.00 for Active members. All new members shall pay a one-time initiation fee of $20.00 which includes a membership pin, name badge, Club Bylaws, and roster of Members.
Section 2. Annual dues are due January 1 and shall be paid by March 1. If the dues are not paid in full by April 1, the member shall be automatically dropped from the membership roster. Individuals who have allowed their membership to lapse may rejoin the Club at any time without paying an initiation fee if they have retained their name badge and waive all other benefits that accompany initiation into the Club and will then have all the benefits that apply to all continuing Club members.
Article V Officers Section 1. The elected officers of the Club shall be President, First Vice President (Dean of Chairs), Second Vice President (Membership Chair), Third Vice President (House Chair), Recording Secretary, Treasurer and the Financial Secretary. The appointed officers of the Club shall be Corresponding Secretary, Parliamentarian, Communications Officer; Fundraising Officer, and Auditor. Section 2. A member can only hold one office. Section 3. The above named officers shall constitute the Executive Board.
Article VI Duties of Officers Section 1. Candidates for the office of President must have served on the Board for one full two-year term in an elected office. The First Vice President shall have previously served on the Executive Board in an elected or appointed position. Section 2. The President shall preside at all Board and Business meetings of the Club. She shall appoint the Corresponding Secretary, Auditor, Parliamentarian and Rentals Chair. She shall appoint program chairs and such other committees and special appointment chairs as are necessary for the operation of the Club. She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. All program chair appointments shall be ratified by the Board. The President shall be bonded and be a signatory on all Club accounts/contracts/agreements. The President shall be responsible for planning all meetings and preparing programs or agendas for all Board and Business meetings at which she presides for all in attendance. Section 3. The First Vice President shall assist the President. In the absence of the President, she shall perform the duties of that office. The First Vice-President shall ascend to the office of President should the office become vacant. She shall be the Dean of Program Chairs directing and assisting the chairs carrying out the work of the programs and is responsible for keeping track of all volunteer hours and donations for all Club projects. She shall be responsible for compiling and/or writing and mailing the Club’s annual reports and shall ensure that all reports are received on or before the deadline dates. She shall send out copies of the Reports to all members via email and have a hard copy available at the Clubhouse at the February Business meeting. The First Vice President shall contact all Program Chair prior to each Board meeting and act as the liaison between the Executive Board and the Program Chairs. She is a member of the Budget Committee and a voting member of the District. Section 4. The Second Vice President shall perform such duties as requested by the President and shall coordinate all membership activities, new member orientations, and keep current the official roster of members, update membership application forms and Club information brochure and collect Club dues. She shall issue membership cards, yearbooks, and shall be a member of the Budget Committee. Section 5. The Third Vice President shall be the House Committee Chair. She shall supervise the operation and management of the clubhouse, in coordination with the President, and shall have a committee appointed by the Executive Board as outlined in Article IX F. She shall see that all appliances and utilities are kept in safe working order and that the clubhouse and grounds are kept neat and orderly. She shall be bonded, be a member of the Budget Committee and be a signatory on Club accounts. Section 6. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of the Executive Board and Business meetings. She shall provide a copy of the minutes to the President and Parliamentarian within ten (10) days of the meeting. She shall keep a list of tabled motions, a current record of all committee chairmen, their duties and committee members, a copy of the Club IRS 501(c)3 Letter of Group Determination and a record of all equipment belonging to the Club. Section 7. The Treasurer shall pay all bills, either budgeted or approved by the Executive Board or membership. She is a signatory on the Club’s financial accounts. She shall file all State and Federal Tax Returns and have a copy of the Club IRS 501(c)3 Letter of Group Determination. She shall present a detailed report at all Executive Board Meetings or as directed by the Board. She shall serve as the Chairman of the Budget Committee and with the Committee members shall have the annual budget ready for review at the September Executive Board Meeting. The budget shall be presented to the general membership for approval at the September Business Meeting. She shall have the Treasurer’s books ready for annual audit by June 1. She shall be bonded. She shall deliver to her successor within two (2) weeks after the expiration of her term or upon her resignation, all monies, books and records in her custody. Section 8. The Financial Secretary receives all monies and deposit in a bank approved by the Executive Board. She is a signatory on the Club financial accounts. She shall present a detailed report at all Executive Board meetings. She shall have the Financial Secretary books ready for annual audit by June 1. She shall be bonded. She shall serve on the Budget Committee. She shall deliver to her successor within two (2) weeks after the expiration of her term or upon her resignation, all monies, books and records in her custody. Section 9. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the Club’s correspondence under the direction of the President. She shall prepare the Yearbook. She will notify members about business meetings. Section 10. The Parliamentarian shall assist the President with parliamentary advice upon request. She shall be the Chair of the Bylaw Committee. Section 11. The Auditor shall examine the books of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary once a year. She shall receive the books from the Treasurer and Financial Secretary by June 1. The audit shall be ready for review at August Board Meeting. The Audit shall be presented to the general membership at the September Business Meeting. Section 12. The Fundraising Officer shall be the Chair of the Fundraising for the club. Shall assist the President and club in all Fundraising endeavors, including but not limited to Grant writing, "Go Fund Me" and other activities that will generate monies for the club. Shall have the authority to book all rentals according to the verbiage of the Rental agreement. She shall be sure all rentals end no later than 10:00 p.m. Section 13. The Communications Officer shall be the Chair of the Communications Committee. Shall assist the President, all Committees and club with all areas of Social Media Marketing, Web page, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Shall assist up to and including all fliers and Press releases. Shall keep Calendar updated.
Article VII Executive Board and Board of Directors Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected and appointed officers and shall have control of all financial and legal matters. They shall have control of all real estate and properties. They shall conduct all business transactions. They shall negotiate the contract with McGrath’s Catering. They shall be empowered to act in an emergency. They shall be able to approve unbudgeted expenditures up to $500. They may appoint members to fill vacancies occurring on the Board (except the Presidency) with the ratification of the membership. Section 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected and appointed officers, the Program Chairs, the Chair of Standing Committees and Special appointments. A. They shall plan the club calendar and fundraising projects with the approval of the membership. B. A 2/3 vote of the Executive Board shall be required for the removal of any elected officer.
Article VIII Programs, Standing Committees and Special Appointments Section 1. There shall be such programs, standing committees and special appointments as are necessary to carry out the objectives and business of the Club. Section 2. There shall be the following programs: Arts, Conservation, Education, Home Life, International Outreach and Public Issues. Section 3. There shall be the following standing committees: Budget, Bylaw, Nominating, Scholarship, Finance and House. All committees report to the Executive Board prior to taking recommendations to the membership. A. The Budget Committee shall consist of the Treasurer as Chair, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President, Financial Secretary, and Immediate Past President and Treasurer. The Budget shall be ready for approval at the September Business Meeting. B. The Bylaw Committee shall consist of the Parliamentarian as Chair, three Club members and one Executive Board member. The Bylaws shall be reviewed annually. C. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members. The Nominating Committee shall meet as needed to seek nominations. The Chair shall be elected by and from the Executive Board at the September Executive Board meeting of the non-election year. At the Business meeting in September of the non-election year, four (4) members shall be elected from the general membership. The Nominating Committee shall present the names of the nominees at the Business meeting in March of the election year. D. The Scholarship committee shall consist of five members from the general membership and the Education Program Chair. The committee shall be responsible for the scholarship application content and shall evaluate each application choosing the winners by majority vote. The Scholarship Chair shall direct the Treasurer to issue a check directly to each scholarship recipient upon the Club receiving an official class schedule bearing the Seal of the registrar from each recipient or the notification from the National Student Clearinghouse Enrollment Verify Service to provide official verification of the recipient’s enrollment. The Scholarship committee shall be responsible for all aspects of the Awards Ceremony. E. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Auditor as Chair, Treasurer and Financial Secretary. The committee shall oversee the finances of the Club. They shall monitor the insurance needs of the Club. They shall coordinate the rentals of the clubhouse. They shall review the contract with McGrath’s Catering. F. The House Committee shall consist of the Third Vice President as Chair plus a minimum of two members. The Committee shall manage the operation of the clubhouse. They shall coordinate all repairs and maintenance.
Article IX Elections Section 1. The elected officers of the Executive Board shall be elected at the Business Meeting in April of even numbered years and take office on June 1. The appointed officers of the Executive Board shall be appointed prior to the May business meeting and take office June 1. The Installation of elected and appointed Officers shall be held in May. The term of office shall be for two (2) years or until their successor has been elected or appointed to complete the two year term. Section 2. It shall be the privilege of the President-Elect to call a meeting of the Officers-Elect prior to the Installation ceremony. Section 3. The election shall be by ballot unless there is but one candidate per office; then by general consent, the assembly may dispense with the ballot and elect by via voice vote. Section 4. The management of the election, if by ballot, shall be in the hands of four (4) tellers and two (2) inspectors appointed by the President and under the direction of the Parliamentarian.
Article X Meetings and Quorums Section 1. The Regular Business Meeting of the Club shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month beginning in September and ending in May unless otherwise provided. A quorum shall be three officers and five members. Section 2. The Club year shall be from June 1-May 31. The fiscal year shall be from May 1-April 30. The reporting year shall be from January 1-December 31. Section 3. The Executive Board shall meet the first Friday of the month unless otherwise agreed upon. A quorum shall be four members. Section 4. A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called by the President or by request of six members of the Executive Board.
Article XI Parliamentary Authority Section 1. Parliamentary authority for all meetings shall be Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and current edition. Section 2. These Bylaws may be amended or revised by a 2/3 vote of members present with previous notice of not less than two weeks having been given of the proposed amendments.
Article XII Dissolution The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to charitable purpose and no part of the net income or assets of the corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of any officer or member thereof, or to the benefit of any private person. Upon the dissolution of the corporation, its assets, remaining after payment, or provision for payment, of all debts and liabilities of this corporation shall be distributed to a nonprofit Fund, Foundation or Corporation which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, with tax exempt status, or to the General Federation of Women’s Clubs or the California Federation of Women’s Clubs sponsored projects. (Under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code).
Article XIII Conflict of Interest Whenever a director or officer has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the Board of Directors, the affected person shall a) fully disclose the nature of the interest and b) withdraw from discussion, lobbying, and voting on the matter. Any transaction or vote involving a potential conflict of interest shall be approved only when a majority of disinterested directors determine that it is in the best interest of the corporation to do so. The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention and rationale for approval. Amended in 2017. Amended 2018
RWC Standing Rules
Members shall be responsible for the payment of meal reservations, even if unable to attend.
Members wishing to use the clubhouse for Club activities such as rehearsals, decorating, etc. other than on regular Club meeting days must check the club calendar and get permission from the Fundraising Officer.
A prospective member shall attend one (1) Business Meeting, a club activity, or orientation prior to paying dues and initiation fee.
Life Membership may be bestowed on members who have shown their dedication to the Club. All Federation dues shall be paid by the club and no club dues shall be collected.
A Memorial Service, under the direction of the Second Vice President, shall be held annually in remembrance of those members who have passed away during the preceding club year (June 1-May 31).
The Business Meetings shall commence at 5:30 pm September through May.
The Executive Board Meetings shall commence at the call of the President upon notice to the Executive Board.
Registration costs shall be paid by the Club for all active members attending De Anza District Conferences and Convention if funds are available.
Registration costs shall be paid by the Club for all active members attending CFWC Area D Conference and CFWC Convention if funds are available.
Reasonable hotel room (limit two rooms per convention) costs shall be paid by the Club for active members attending De Anza District Convention and CFWC Convention if funds are available.
The Club shall pay meeting, meal and transportation costs for the President’s attendance at De Anza District Convention and CFWC Convention if funds are available. Delegates and members who have Federation costs (registration, meals, hotel room, and transportation) paid by the Club are expected to attend the meetings that they have received the benefit of these costs.
Delegates and members who have Federation costs (registration, meals, hotel room, or transportation) paid by the Club are expected to attend the meetings that they have received the benefit of these costs
The Executive Board may use Email for urgent business that must be resolved prior to the next regularly scheduled Executive Board Meeting.
Club Yearbooks and Rosters may not be used for any commercial benefit members or used for any commercial purpose. Any member using the Yearbook and/or Roster for commercial purposes shall be subject to censure.
Amended 11/2011 and 2/2012 and 1, 3, 5/2018
RWC Policy I Clubhouse
A portion of the clubhouse may be leased to a tenant on a biennial contract basis. Said contract to be reviewed annually.
Tenant shall abide by the contract entered into and signed by the President and tenant,
Failure to do so shall result in: Late fee and penalties, eviction, consequences as stipulated in the lease agreement.
II Finances
For reimbursement of expenses related to approved club activities, members need to follow these steps:
Pre-Approval: Obtain pre-approval for each expenditure from the relevant authority.
Submission: Submit a warrant with the appropriate documentation to the treasurer.
Receipts: Provide both the original and a photocopy of the receipt.
Copy for Records: Retain a copy of the receipt for your own records.
Documentation: Ensure that all expenses are documented according to the budgeted allowances. Keep in mind that following these steps ensures smooth processing and adherence to the club's reimbursement policies.
Those members listed as “bonded” in the bylaws are covered under the annual policy paid through De Anza District, California Federation of Women’s Clubs.
The club shall carry a Directors and Officers insurance policy as well as Property and General Liability Insurance coverage.
Income Taxes will be paid on the fiscal year (May 1-April 30) annually. The tax forms are due on September 15. Tax forms will be prepared by an outside tax preparer.
III Legal
The President and Recording Secretary of the Club shall be the corporate officers of the Riverside Woman’s Club.
The President shall be the official representative of the Club and shall sign all contracts on behalf of the Club.
The Club shall abide by all requirements imposed by the California Secretary of State and the Internal Revenue Service.
IV Membership
A member in good standing shall be dues current, and attend the business meetings, abide by the Club bylaws, participate in club projects and fundraisers.
Riverside Woman’s Club has the right to enforce its policies and expect ethical and honorable conduct from its members.
Club yearbooks and rosters must not be used by members for any commercial purposes. Any member found using the yearbook or roster for commercial gain will face censure.
Any club sponsored event, social, project or fundraiser shall not be cancelled without prior authorization from the President in conjunction with the Executive Board.
Rentals will be scheduled by the Rental’s Chairman.
Rental contracts shall be signed by the renters and the Rental Chairman and checks shall be made payable to the Riverside Woman’s Club.
Rentals involving children under the age of 18 must have adequate supervision.
All renters shall have liability insurance coverage for rental period and must present a current certificate of insurance along with the signed rental contact. Rental deposit will be forfeited if a Certificate of Insurance naming Riverside Woman’s Club as additional insured is not received.
VI Rental Rates
Rental rates are subject to change at any time. Rental’s Chair has the ability to negotiate rates.
Rates as of July 6, 2024
$750 Saturdays Noon – 10 pm $600 Friday & Sunday Noon – 10 pm $350 Monday – Thursday Noon – 10 pm $1,000 for large reception If extra time is needed for set up there will be a fee applied. Early set up fee is $350.00 or more. Please discuss your options with the Rental Chair.
All members shall pay the security deposit/ cleaning fee of $350 with $50.00 non-refundable. Security deposit and remainder of cleaning fee may be refundable at the direction of the Rentals Chair after the facility inspection.
Rental fees can only be waived if the Riverside Woman’s Club is a sponsor of the event.
Renters whose events necessitate a police response and/or violate rental contract, Renter will be blacklisted from future rentals, forfeiting their deposit and losing privileges indefinitely.
VII Hostess Protocol
At each monthly Business meeting, at least two members will volunteer to serve as hostesses.
When a new member volunteers to be a hostess, they will be paired with an experienced member in good standing.
Contact Corresponding Secretary with menu selection two weeks prior to Business Meetings.
Hostesses are responsible for selecting and arranging centerpieces for each table, including the head table. Before purchasing any new items, please check the supplies already available in the room to the right side of the stage, as there is no approved budget for the expense. Additionally, you are welcome to decorate the clubhouse.
Responsible for providing at least three door prizes.
Hostesses are not responsible for taking reservations. (Reservations are the Corresponding Secretary’s responsibility).